Pueblo Editions

Pueblo Editions, a subdivision of the Pueblo Film AG, is a producer and publisher of books, audio CDs with spoken text and music, artistic cards, DVDs, etc. The projects include poetry, text-meditations, informative prose about psychotherapy, painted or composed pictures, artistic photography, and music.

Pueblo Editions
Zähringerplatz 11
8001 Zürich

T +41 44 254 9000
F +41 44 254 9009
E info@puebloeditions.com


Books, CDs, DVDs, cards and prints are possible forms of standard publication. Cards without text do not have an ISBN-Number and can be ordered directly with the publisher. They come in sets of five cards. Pictures and posters can be reprinted on special request in limited numbers on silk or special paper. The prices for such reprints will be individually agreed upon according to the artistic value and the production costs. DVDs with short video films are not primarily produced for publishing but can be shown on request for special occasions. Conditions are to be agreed.

Since English is the current language of the Pueblo Film AG but the mother company is Swiss German, from Zurich, preferably both German and English shall be represented in the Pueblo Editions productions. This does not mean an equal balance but at least summaries in the other language are always included in the publications. There may be publications in the field of film and other media as well, seeing that Pueblo Editions is part of the Pueblo Film AG, a company with over thirty years of experience in the independent film industry.

All standard book and art productions as well as spoken text and music CDs carry an ISBN number and are registered with and protected by Pro Litteris Switzerland. The productions are listed in the German VLB and can be ordered directly with the publisher by e-mail or in most bookstores, e.g. www.buchland.ch.
